Operating systems
Part of 2018 BSC schedule

Consists of 1 lectures, 1 practice and 1 consultation per week. Credits: 3

Compulsory subject for Computer Science BSC students

Responsible lecturer: Illés, Zoltán habil Phd, associate professor

Aims of the subject
To give you an adequate knowledge about operating systems
To know
  • the notions, the planning goals, the usage categories
  • the notions of processes, threads and their implementation
  • the bases of processes, scheduling and the main scheduling algorithms 
  • the bases of parallelism, competitive situations,
  • memory management, virtual memory, implementations, base algorithms, the services of file systems
To use
  • the usage of command line and graphical interfaces of operating systems
  • the knowledge of handling system directories, the base file system calls
  • the usage of process handling calls (fork, execv, kill etc.)
  • the ability to protect the critical sections of parallel processes with semafor usage
  • the usage of shared memory and base network possibilities (socket)
To be able

  • to use the C, C++ compiler (GNU, cc, gcc) and the debugging tools
  • the knowledge of filesystem manipulating system calls
  • the usage of process handling system calls (fork, kill, execv …)
  • the usage of base message sending system calls
  • the ability of writing programs which handle shared memory, pipe and sockets.
and Practice documents

The slides presented on the lectures and the demo codes of laboratory practices are available on ELTE canvas. Slides are only a sketch of the lecture and the topic. To prepare yourself for the exams you have to read the literature too!

& suggested literature

Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis Ritchie: The C programing language,
Prentice-Hall-International, 2012, ISBN-13: 978-0131103627
2 homeworks & 2 exams

Missing from the courses are ruled according to the University regulations

The second homework is built on the first. The tasks are given on Canvas (lecture) and you have to upload on Canvas (practice course)!

First exam is from theory. Exact date and place is on Canvas.

Second exam is in a computer laboratory the topic is to write a code similar to practice demos. Exact time and place on Canvas (lecture) .